T5.1.16 EU Financing Opportunities for Innovation and Start-up project/ideas 


The new Framework Program for Research and Innovation of the European Union for the period 2021-2027, Horizon Europe, has started in 2021, which has a budget of almost 100 million euros, and offers real financing opportunities for innovators and entrepreneur. 

The course, organized by HEI4S3-RM members, is focused on academic, non-academic or students which wants to become innovators or are thinking on start-up projects, with the final aim to aware innovators of the different funding opportunities at a European level, the general structure of the new Horizon Europe Framework Programme, as well as presenting the support mechanisms for applying.

Upon successful completion of the course, learners will able to: 

  • Find support services and manage search tools (Participant Portal) 
  • Know about the principals rules of participation in EU projects 
  • Learn about the general structure of the Horizon Europe Program: and more specific about the calls sated under Pillar III: Innovative Europe. 
  • Search out knowledge about other European financing opportunities. For example: EIT KIC Calls 
  • Think about creating an EU project structure, how to confirm