Raw Materials Sustainability and the Circular Economy approach

The students will learn about the necessity of raw materials and the application of selected raw materials in modern industry and in circular economy. Furthermore, they will get acquainted with sustainable development, sustainability schemes and standards.

Sustainable mineral management – Public Mining Service in Slovenia
United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC)
Circular economy and Sustainability in Lapland UAS and Lapland Region

  • Functioning of national organization Public Mining Service –Slovenia case, established for sustainable mineral resources management.
  • General characteristics and aims of global 3D classification of different kind of geo-resources, initiated by United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. 

Learning outcomes:

– Sustainable mineral management – Public Mining Service in Slovenia
Legislative framework
Task and activities of Public Mining Services
Functionalities and use of Mining Registry Book

– United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC)
Importance of reserves classification
UNFC classification
Need for bridging documents from other classifications to UNFC