Introduction to Entrepreneurial Concepts

 Learning Outcomes (general description, methodology, dates and hours): 

This training is based on introducing the basic concepts related to the subjects of entrepreneurship. The principles of how to create a company and how to manage it, but also showing that being an entrepreneur involves the development of skills and attitudes that can only be acquired through experience and that each participant must start with their own experimentation and that the entrepreneurial processes are different. 

The training is tailored to the knowledge, skills and competencies that each participant has so that at the end you can visualize either with a Vision board or Canvas their idea or project. 

Learning outcomes: 

  • Participants will understand the meaning of entrepreneurship and what it means to be an entrepreneur. (covered on the first day of the workshop). 
  • Explanation and furthermore topics you need to know for founding a company.  
  • Introduction of the vision board and Participants have to create one. Where would they stand with their personal and business life in 5 years? (covered on the second day of the workshop). 
  • Participants will understand and discuss about finding a business idea using different tools like moonshot thinking.  
  • Participants understand marketing, sale, competitors, the importance of the legal and tax issues to be comfortable to write a business plan.