Good Practices of Industry 4.0 in the Mining and Raw Material sector

This course is designed to show the participant different case studies of technological innovations implemented at the Iberian Pyrite Belt and other iconic mining districts around the World.
Specifically, Module I will cover some examples of geophysical (seismic) and satellite images to monitor the geotechnical stability of mine tailings, real time monitoring and early warning systems to control mine tailings stability, remote operation of heavy machinery working in mine tunnels and galleries, and the use of drones to map mine galleries.
Module II will present the vision of the mine of the future, main challenges and some of the latest achievements towards fully autonomous robotic mining system.

Learning outcomes:

  • Learn about the need to combine different source of information (seismic noise, satellite images, and conventional measurements directly on the ground) to obtain an advanced geotechnical characterization of mine tailings impoundments.
  • Understand the pros and cons of implementing an early warning systems in mine tailings impoundments.
  • Discover how safety can be improved by using drones for 3D underground galleries mapping.
  • Learn about the link between chemical and physical stability in mine tailings.
  • Understand how technological innovations can help to protect the environment and to build bridges between the mining companies and the society.
  • Get an insight about future trends in mining.