Digitalization at level of internal network

Learning outcomes

Many companies are enabling the remote access to the information technology (IT) layer, which is the upper layer of the traditional communications model currently used in industrial scenarios. This model is denominated computer integrated manufacturing pyramid (CIMP). It is traditionally related to the commercial management, whilst the lowest levels of the pyramid correspond to the layer of operational technology (OT) and are directly related to the physical devices involved in manufacturing processes. Thus, IT is currently immersed in the task of its own connectivity, while OT faces security and privacy problems to achieve that same objective. 

In this framework, the integration of the IT and OT layers in the cloud can generate numerous advantages to the companies and to the society in general. Thus, IT/OT convergence enables direct control of the complete monitoring system in an industry, through the automation and the integration of communications systems and industrial networks. 

The course is focused on the digitalization of the operation technology layer necessary to achieve the IT/OT integration. 

The course, organized by HEI4S3-RM members, is focused on academic, non-academic or students which wants to introduce the industry 4.0 philosophy into the mining: mining 4.0. This course is focused on the first level of the mining 4.0. which is the digitalization of the operation and physical processes. 

Upon successful completion of the course, learners  know the next concepts: 

  • Digital disruption 
    • Characterizing digital disruption 
    • Elements of disruption 
    • Digital transformation strategy for disruption 
    • Key industry sectors 
  • Disruptive technologies and their transformation potential 
    • Digital platforms and customer networks 
    • Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain 
    • IoT, edge computing, robotics and automation, drones 
    • 3D printing, virtual and augmented reality 
  • Digital transformation journey 
    • Digital transformation strategy 
    • Digital business models
    • Blueprint of digital transformation 
    • Driving a digital culture and mindset 

Digitalization at level of internal network


Digitalization at level of internal network 2
