Communication to the Society and Awareness of the circular economy approach in the raw material sector

Learning outcomes

The aim of this course is, on one hand, to introduce and give a description of the CirCular project to be carried out at Atlantic Copper (AC) in the next two years. CirCular is a clear example of CirCular Economy. It is aligned with sustainability and green employ generation, based on Green Deal fundamentals, and matches the Next Generation principles. It places AC on the front-line of European metal recycling technology and put together energy efficiency, environmental respect and technological robustness. In order to achieve its challenging goals, AC has counted on metallurgical world class companies. Other examples of Sustainability Innovation Projects based on circular economy carried out in the copper smelter will be explained. Finally, the project business case completes its interest due to promising results.  On the other hand, the course will be focused on showing the wide range (and amount) of minerals and metals are required to maintain the standard of living of 8 billion people. The actual projection of society demands is being further amplified by the accelerated world need for the transitions to clean energy, which is supplied by raw material to power it, support it and build it. However, mining is among the most relevant human activities affecting habitat loss and degradation, which is ranked first threat to biodiversity. Thus, the society future lies in finding consensus strategies between the conservation of nature, industry and cross-sectoral decision makers. There are a number of tools, approaches and policy instruments that can be used to ensure that the biodiversity impacts and dependencies of energy and mining developments are planned for result in long term benefits to biodiversity and society. The course, organized by HEI4S3-RM members, is focused on academic, non-academic or students which wants to introduce some circular economy and sustainability innovation projects as well as to show the impact of mining in the biodiversity and some approaches used to reduce it. 

Upon successful completion of the course, learners know about:  

  • Cutting-edge circular economy and sustainability innovation projects  
    • CirCular Project in Atlantic Copper: closing metals value chain (Module I)  
    • Sustainability Innovation Projects based on circular economy in a copper smelter (Module II)  
  • Impact of mining in the biodiversity (Module III)  
    • Raw material projection  
    • Convention on biological Diversity and the sustainable Development Goals  
    • Opportunities toward sustainable raw material industry  

Communication to the Society and Awareness of the circular economy approach in the raw material sector module 1


Communication to the Society and Awareness of the circular economy approach in the raw material sector Module 2


Communication to the Society and Awareness of the circular economy approach in the raw material sector Module 3
